Touch, it's the panacea of e-book readers, right? Sure, just so long as readability isn't sacrificed in the process. Flickr user Doodlydood uploaded some pics and video of Sony's new $300 PRS-600 (on the left above) reader and did a quick comparison with his legacy PRS-505. Unfortunately, the glare from the plastic resistive touchscreen is an issue and the weak contrast, like the touchscreen PRS-700 before it, pales by comparison to Sony's two year old PRS-505 with glass display. On the flip side, page turns on the new 600 were fast and "work extremely well" compared to the PRS-505. Unfortunately, that's a minor victory when the whole purpose of an e-reader it to well, you know... read. See for yourselves in the videos after the break.
Sony PRS-600
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Monday, August 24, 2009
Labels: SONY
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